
We are a full-cycle digital marketing agency that provides wide range of digital marketing services for small and medium businesses in the Ottawa area.

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306-207 Bank St Ottawa
K2P 2N2

+1(613) 416-2228

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Email icons on a blackboard.
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Email Marketing

Mastering Email Drip Campaigns for Small Businesses

What are Email Drip Campaigns? Defining Email Drip Campaigns An email drip campaign, often simply called a “drip campaign”, is a set of automated emails sent out at specific times to a particular list of recipients. These emails can be scheduled based on triggers like user behavior, sign-ups, or other pre-set criteria. Why They’re Essential […]

E-mail marketing on a wooden table with a cup of coffee.
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Email Marketing

The Overlooked Power of Email Marketing

You’re a business owner, right? Have you ever considered email marketing as a tool to boost your business? If not, let’s dive into why it’s often overshadowed and why you might be missing out big time. Why Email Marketing is Often Overlooked 1.1 The rise of social media In the era of TikTok, Instagram, and […]

A graphic artist wearing glasses is holding a tablet in his hands.
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Graphic Design

What Businesses Need to Know When Hiring a Graphic Artist

In today’s competitive business landscape, visual communication plays a vital role in attracting and engaging customers. Whether it’s for branding, marketing materials, or web design, businesses require the expertise of skilled graphic artists to create captivating visuals that convey their messages effectively. However, hiring the right graphic artist can be a challenging task. This article […]

Two women standing in front of a whiteboard with diagrams on it.
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Paid Media

Paid ads: Do it yourself or hire a pro?

The digital landscape has opened a treasure trove of advertising opportunities for businesses. But with this proliferation of platforms comes a critical decision: should you manage your paid campaigns in-house or hire professionals? Let’s dive into the world of Google Ads, Social Media Ads, and the best choices for your business. The Allure of DIY: […]

Canadian flag with web servers in the background
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Website Management

Choosing the Right Hosting Provider in Canada

Choosing a hosting provider might seem like a mundane task, but it holds paramount importance for the overall health and performance of your website. From influencing your site’s speed and availability to ensuring data security, the decision can significantly impact your digital presence. Further, for specific industries, the importance of data residency necessitates the need […]

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